October 01, 2019
Information regarding Evadale WCID#1's online customer web portal:
When making your payment you will need to enter your Account # and the FIRST 3 letters (only) of the last name on the account. If you do not know your account #, you may contact the office during regular business hours. Account #'s are locted on the bill on both the right hand side of the perforated card and also at the bottom of the left side of the card.
Note: there is a processing fee for online payments.
All online payments will be processed into the billing system on the next business day. Make sure your payment is made by the 15th to avoid a late fee. If you are charged a late fee, you still have the opportunity to make your payment BEFORE the 1st Business day of the following month to avoid disconnection of service. (Example: Let's say that the disconnect day is on the 2nd...your payment must be made NO LATER than 11:59 pm on the 1st). The office will be unaware of your payment made if after this time until the following business day, which will result in your service being disconnected due to non-payment.
Once an account is disconnected, the customer must contact the office to make payment and have service resumed.
Note: there will be a $75 reconnect fee for any services disconnected, that must be paid before service can resume.